A Machine Learning Approach for Speech Detection in Modern Wireless Communication Environment
Wireless Communication, OFDM, Speech detection, RBFN, BER.Abstract
Modern wireless communication has gained a improved position as compared to previous time. Similarly, speech communication is the major focus area of research in respective applications. Many developments are done in this field. In this work, we have chosen the OFDM modulation based communication system, as it has importance in both licensed and unlicensed wireless communication platform. The voice signal is passed though the proposed model to obtain at the receiver end. Due to different circumstances, the signal may be corrupted partially at the user end. Authors try to achieve a better signal for reception using a neural network model of RBFN. The parameters are chosen for the RBFN model, as energy, ZCR, ACF, and fundamental frequency of the speech signal. In one part these parameters have eligibility to eliminate noise partially, where as in other part the RBFN model with these parameters proves its efficacy for both noisy speech signals with noisy channel as Gaussian channel. The efficiency of OFDM model is verified in terms of symbol error rate and the transmitted speech signal is evaluated in term of SNR that shows the reduction of noise. For visual inspection, a sample of signal, noisy signal and received signal is also shown. The experiment is performed with 5dB, 10dB, 15dB noise levels. The result proves the performance of RBFN model as the filter.The performance is measured as the listener’s voice in each condition. The results show that, at the time of the voice in noise environment, proposed technique improves the intelligibility on speech quality.
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