IoT Based Intelligent Vehicle Parking Solution System
IOT, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Computing centreAbstract
With rapid increase in population in urban cities, availability of parking space is real issue. This parking issue lead to traffic and encroachment of roads for parking. With implementation of smart cities is real time development, smart parking is integral part of this development. Intelligent parking system describe in this paper solve the parking issue and fits in the smart city development, this system is based on cloud-based parking system where user is able to get location of parking spot with helps sensors network and cloud computing. The user is updated with real time data of available parking spot near their destination, and they can choose the spot according to their convenience. The main components of the system are sensor layer, hardware layer, cloud layer and application layer. The sensor layer is controlled by Arduino board or other system on chip which manages the data collected by sensors, this data is sent to cloud through hardware layer cloud layer manages the data accordingly and data is sent to users’ application on the reception of request through application. This interconnection of all the layers is main aspect of IoT (Internet of Things). This system will help user to get the spot in hassle free and quick way.
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