IoT Based Intelligent Vehicle Parking Solution System



IOT, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Computing centre


With rapid increase in population in urban cities, availability of parking space is real issue. This parking issue lead to traffic and encroachment of roads for parking. With implementation of smart cities is real time development, smart parking is integral part of this development. Intelligent parking system describe in this paper solve the parking issue and fits in the smart city development, this system is based on cloud-based parking system where user is able to get location of parking spot with helps sensors network and cloud computing. The user is updated with real time data of available parking spot near their destination, and they can choose the spot according to their convenience. The main components of the system are sensor layer, hardware layer, cloud layer and application layer. The sensor layer is controlled by Arduino board or other system on chip which manages the data collected by sensors, this data is sent to cloud through hardware layer cloud layer manages the data accordingly and data is sent to users’ application on the reception of request through application. This interconnection of all the layers is main aspect of IoT (Internet of Things). This system will help user to get the spot in hassle free and quick way.

Author Biographies

Vedant Chauhan, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technology and Research, Under Govt. of NCT, Delhi.

Vedant Chauhan is a student of Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research, Under Govt. Of NCT Delhi affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India. He is pursuing B.Tech. in ECE. Currently he is working in field of IoT and its application. One of such application on which he is working is “Intelligent Parking System”. he has experience of working under learned and experienced mentors.

Shikhar Sharma, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technology and Research, Under Govt. Of NCT Delhi.

Shikhar Sharma is a student of Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research, Under Govt. Of NCT Delhi affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India. He is pursuing B.Tech in ECE. Currently, he is working in the field of IoT and its application. He has done training in LASTEC Lab of Defence Research and Development Organization. He has experience of working under learned and experienced mentors.

Manju Khari, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technology and Research, Under Govt. Of NCT Delhi, India

Dr. Manju Khari an Assistant Professor in Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technology and Research, Under Govt. Of NCT Delhi affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India. She is also the Professor- In-charge of the IT Services of the Institute and has experience of more than twelve years in Network Planning & Management. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from National Institute Of Technology Patna and She received her master's degree in Information Security from Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technology and Research, formally this institute is known as Ambedkar Institute Of Technology affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India. Her research interests are software testing, software quality, software metrics, information security, optimization and nature-inspired algorithm. She has 70 published papers in refereed National/International Journals & Conferences (viz. IEEE, ACM, Springer, Inderscience, and Elsevier), 06 book chapters in a springer. She is also co-author of two books published by NCERT of XI and XII.

She has also delivered an expert talk, guest lecturers in International Conference and a member of technical program committee in an International Conference in Hyderabad, She is also the life member of various International / National research societies viz IEEE, SDIWC, IAENG (Hong Kong), etc. Besides this, she associated with many International research organizations as Editor of Springer, Wiley and Elsevier books and Guest editor of International Journal of Advanced Intelligence paradigms, reviewer for International Journal of Forensic Engineering, Inder Science, and editorial board member of International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific.


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How to Cite

Chauhan, V., Sharma, S., & Khari, M. (2018). IoT Based Intelligent Vehicle Parking Solution System. International Journal of Machine Learning and Networked Collaborative Engineering, 2(04), 143–150. Retrieved from