Automated Self-screening System Using Chat Bot


  • L.Arokia Jesu Prabhu CMR Institute of Technology
  • Siva reddy Battula CMR Institute of Technology


Azure Health Care Bot, Chat Bot, AI Powered Conversational healthcare, Chat Bot Integration, Self-Screening


This paper depicts the creation of an automated screening system by using a Microsoft health care bot. The system will have a web interface where the user will take the screening by choosing the applicable option as an answer. The system then analyses the answers provided by the user and performs one of the following actions based on the result of the screening.

  1. Allow the user to come to the office and send an email.
  2. Asks the user to stay in the quarantine for 14 days and send the same in email.
  3. Keeps the user in the waiting state if the user doesn’t know the covid test results



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How to Cite

L.Arokia Jesu Prabhu, & Battula, S. reddy. (2022). Automated Self-screening System Using Chat Bot. International Journal of Machine Learning and Networked Collaborative Engineering, 5(`1). Retrieved from