IJMLNCE Editorial Note Volume No 03, Issue No 01
The International Journal of Machine Learning and Networked Collaborative Engineering (IJMLNCE) with ISSN: 2581-3242 continues its growth. The journal is becoming more and better indexed in platforms such as BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), CNKI Scholar, CrossRef, CiteFactor, Dimensions, DRJI, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, JournalTOCs, J-Gate, Microsoft Academic, PKP-Index, Portico, ROAD, Scilit, Semantic Scholar, Socolar, WorldCat-OCLC. After more than two years of intense work, we are proud to present the seventh volume of the journal, Volume No-03 Issue No-01, which introduces five high quality works written by recognized authors that deal with different aspects within the scope of the journal.
Nigar published a work entitled “A Study on Internet of Things in Women and Children Healthcare”. Author focuses on the importance of the new internet of things related- technologies, which can be applied to healthcare. In fact, its integration with electronic health and telemedicine is gaining attention. The paper describes some methods, practices and prototypes based on the internet of things in the field of healthcare focusing on women and children.
Gunagweare and Kiani published a work entitled “Ultimate Indoor Navigation: A Low Cost Indoor Positioning and Intelligent Path Finding”. Authors deal with the drawbacks of the global positioning system (GPS), which is not useful in indoor environments or places where some buildings can interfere with the satellite signal. In this paper, authors present a simple, low-cost, context-aware and user-friendly indoor navigation system based on a common smart phone.
Jaidev et al. published a work entitled “Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Road Accidents”. Authors focus on the traffic congestion that in turn can lead to more car accidents. The idea of the authors is to study and review the literature related to approaches for detecting unsafe driving patterns to predict accidents with the help of artificial intelligence. Two apparently similar but different examples could be drivers under the influence of drugs or drivers under the influence of alcohol.
Rimal published a work entitled “Deterministic Machine Learning Cluster Analysis of Research Data: using R Programming”. The paper discusses various types of cluster analysis of different data sets with large number of dimensions (iris, utilities, mclust and dbscan). The main goal is to explain the simplest way for clustering analysis whose data structure is wide scattered. The work of the author is based on the R programming language and several specific packages.
Gunjal and Shaik published a work entitled “A Robust Decomposition Based Algorithm for Removal of Pattern Noise from Images”. Authors work on a melting pool of complex vectors to present a technique that requires less computer resources and less time for any image removal of pattern noise compared to other previously stated strategies. The work is based on the idea a picture includes components that can be described separately.
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